Precision Farming Solutions for Downed Corn

Jul. 29 2014 Tech-Tip By Birkey's

Two Precision Farming products can help minimize the stress of operating a combine in downed corn.

Case IH RowGuide

Case IH's AFS RowGuide product uses two mechanical touch sensors, mounted on the corn-head dividers, to sense row position. Together with the GPS signal, they provide guidance input to keep the machine on course. Row Guide gives combine operators accurate, hands-free assisted steering during corn harvest.



Truesight also uses mechanical sensing wands to feel the rows and integrates with an existing steering device to guide the combine down the row. It doesn't require GPS, and can be installed on any combine once a steering valve or motor is installed.

On long harvest nights, when you or your combine operator is tired, using one of these  solutions can increase yields and decrease stress. Instead of guessing if you've found the row, use AFS to guarantee it.

If you have downed corn, call or stop by your local Birkey's for more tips.